Startup Benefit Program

Exclusively for the Foundersphere community

Help startups to grow

Reach the customers of tomorrow and help them grow. In the Startup Benefit Program, you can showcase your achievements with an exciting deal. More than 1,000 startups will then have access to it.

Startup benefits

FAQ – Answers to frequently asked questions

No, you can also enter the benefit using the form and we will then put it online.

If there are more than 2 benefits, we should talk about a paid partnership. If this is of interest to you, more benefits may also be available.

As a provider, you do not have to fulfill any requirements. The benefit should be attractive for the community and not otherwise publicly accessible.

Registration is free of charge for up to two benefits. There is no further work involved in registering the benefit.


Any questions?

Then get in touch with us!



Founder & CEO



Head of Platform & Guides