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What does Foundersphere stand for?

“Founder” represents the entrepreneurial spirit that brings new ideas to life, while “Sphere” symbolizes the space we create to connect the startup world. We believe that startups can change the world. For them to succeed, it is important to create an environment in which they can grow and thrive.

Our values

This is important to us

These are the values that we at Foundersphere take to heart and to which we align our work.

Your contact persons



Founder & CEO



Business & Web Development



Social Media PR

Campaign 2017

Our journey begins in Munich.

Many encounters in the ecosystem inspire Sascha to launch a campaign from the startup scene, for the startup scene. The aim is to highlight shared values, provide an overview and invite people to network. More than 300 startups and 50 players respond to the first call and lay the foundation for the “It takes a city to raise a startup” campaign, which is financed by the first partners.


Expansion Frankfurt

Fabian joins as a later co-founder and brings the campaign to FrankfurtRhineMain as “It takes a region to raise a startup”. At the same time the second campaign launches in Munich. Both campaigns are a complete success. Can we make more out of this passion project?


The Ecosystem Company

The expansion preparations are underway, more partners are joining and the first enquiries are being made as to whether we could become active for the start-up scenes and established companies beyond the campaigns. Time for our own commitment: We are founding ‘The Ecosystem Company’, under whose branding we will bundle our activities for the next 4 years. Martin joins the team as a business angel, who also implements the first campaign in Augsburg. We are allowed to implement an exclusive networking event and bring together founders with corporates. Phenomenal feedback from both sides.


Everything’s upside down

With the slogan “When a virus turns the world upside down – the ecosystem must move closer together”, the campaigns are all about Covid. We are dedicating a new campaign to the emerging ecosystem in the Ruhr region. To ensure that start-ups and actors can continue to exchange ideas, we organise regular “Virtual Round Tables” (VRTs for short). These VRTs will remain even when networking is finally possible in person again. Startups approach us and ask about accelerators that offer their program remotely – work begins on the first Accelerator Guide Germany.


The portfolio is growing

The Accelerator Guide Germany is published and highlights, compares and explains more than 55 programs throughout Germany. Both the print version and the PDFs (both free of charge) will be a complete success. We would like to thank Persilla Partners and Michael Strommer for their expertise and cooperation. With the networking event format Founders’ Poker, we are taking over a brand that has been known nationwide since 2013. Our portfolio therefore includes brand presence, virtual and physical networking, guides and consulting.


The expansion

The year of the expansion. The first campaign abroad is launchen in the Zurich ecosystem. This was followed by 12 more campaigns nationwide: from Hamburg to Munich, from the Rhineland to Saxony. We support our partners’ teams with workshops and seminars to help them better understand startups and ecosystems and better adapt their own services to the needs of founders



What started as a one-off hobby project and was professionalized in 2019 as ‘The Ecosystem Company’ is now getting a new look. More importantly, our campaigns, guides, events, the platform and everything else to come needs a common name. A name that start-ups, players, partners, networks and companies can join. Welcome to the Foundersphere!



The Foundersphere is growing: new offers for founders and startups with the Knowledge Hub and the Startup Benefit Program. The new Accelerator Guide is published at the same time. For the first time in our history, we are not only dedicating a campaign to regions, but also to topics. The first topic: Female Founders.

You would like to get in touch? We are here for you.

+89 248816540

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