Hey Ecosystem!
We share the same goal!

Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Startups einen großen Einfluss auf die Welt haben können.

Dazu ist es erforderlich ein Umfeld zu schaffen, in dem sie sich entwickeln und gedeihen können.

Mit allem was wir tun, wollen wir dieses Ökosystem bereichern. Dazu gehört auch, euch zu unterstützen.

Sichtbar sein

Show what you offer, who you are looking for, what you do. You can add news, events and your alumni to your digital profile. Help startups find you and get in touch with you.

Überblick behalten

Discover startups, key players and events from your region and nationwide.
Stay up to date and find the right contacts.

An Kampagnen, Guides und Events teilnehmen!

Be part of the ‘It takes a city to raise a startup’ campaigns, be featured in our guides and take part in
exchange rounds and events.

Bereits 500+ Accelerator, Investoren, Hubs & Co. sind dabei.
Und sie freuen sich auf euch.

Digital profile

Präsentiert euch auf einen Klick

Everything there is to know about you in one place!

Here you can introduce yourself extensively. You can also create events, write news and add alumni. Others can search and filter for all this information so that you can be found.


Wir vernetzen euch mit Startups, Corporates und anderen Keyplayern.

With each other and among each other.

Based on your data, we can suggest you to others for networking. This happens automatically. However, we also network on a personal level, e.g. with our corporate partners who might be interested in working with you.


Von Accelerators bis Venture Capital

Whoever you are looking for – we got you!

We make the Foundersphere accessible to you with a search and filter function. You can use the finder to discover other key players from your scene or area. Or you can use the databases for your scouting.

Marketing campaigns

It takes a city/region to raise a startup!

The campaign for your scene.

Show that you are part of your startup ecosystem! Simply take part in the nationwide startup campaign with your Foundersphere profile and be in the spotlight. Together we will draw attention to the offers of your scene and the topic of entrepreneurship. Online via a social media campaign and offline with a bold print campaign.

Startup Benefit Program

Das Vorteilsprogramm der Startup-Szene

Discounts, benefits and exclusive deals from well-known providers

Organizing and maintaining the best deals takes time. We take care of this and you simply pass on the discounts, benefits and exclusive deals to your startups and community.

Knowledge Hub

Echtes Startup-Wissen direkt von Experten

Profit from those who need to know

Showcase your expertise and fill the Knowledge Hub with exciting insights, specialist articles and interviews.


Erweitere dein Netzwerk auf tollen Veranstaltungen

Live and digital

Take part in great events, expand your network at the ‘Events by Foundersphere’ or be the host and take center stage at the events yourself. These currently include the exclusive Founder Poker event series and the Virtual Round Tables.

Entdecke deine Möglichkeiten in der Foundersphere

Vom bundesweiten Eventkalender bis zu Open Innovation Calls von Corporates. Es warten viele Möglichkeiten auf euch. Und es kommen immer mehr hinzu.