Female Founders

It’s all about the doers here. Find the right contact points, services and like-minded people to scale your business.

Only 1 in 5 startups has a woman on the founding team – let’s work on that!

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Why important

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How we help you

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Contact points


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Female Founded Startups


28 Jan

09:30 -12:30

Online workshop “Accounting for founders”

About the event

This online seminar, organised by Kompass Frankfurt, is aimed at founders – regardless of whether they want to work with a tax consultant or do as much as possible themselves: In the course, participants will learn how to avoid typical pitfalls, set up their bookkeeping securely and always have all important documents to hand. The speaker is Tobias Bug, financial coach and accounting expert for solo self-employed people.

Participation in the online seminar is free of charge, but registration is required.

[This text was auto-translated by DeepL]

Location & time

Date: 28.01 09:30 - 28.01 12:30

More info

Ticket: Free, Registration necessary

28 Jan

- 30 Jan

11:00 -08:00


From vision to reality: Online events on 28 and 30 January

About the event

Session one – AI Strategy: From Vision to Impact
on January 28, will explore:

How to define your organization’s AI-readiness
The advantages of the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA
How Dell’s Advisory Services can accelerate your AI journey
Real-world examples, and how we are enabling our customers to deliver AI solutions.
Get to know our speakers, scheduled for this session:

Ole Ahsendorf, Director, EMEA Services Presales.

Neil Bowden, AI Business Development lead for Dell Tech Select, Benelux & Ireland.

Michelle Colley, EMEA AI Services Business Development Manager.

Louise Earls-Pierce, EMEA AI Program Lead.

Session two – Accelerating AI Outcomes with Dell & NVIDIA
on January 30, will dive into:

Dell’s Validated Design with NVIDIA and why it is a game-changer for AI workloads
Our white glove service and how it simplifies rack integration and installation to ensure your infrastructure is optimized for peak performance
How we can configure solutions, and apply tools and frameworks to streamline implementation and maximize ROI
Real-world wins and live Gen AI demos from our Demo Centre
Your questions on AI with our panel, so that you can understand how Dell and NVIDIA can help you to transform your business.
Get to know our speakers, scheduled for this session:

Ross Verrall, EMEA Enterprise Services Lead, NVIDIA.

Neil Bowden, AI Business Development lead for Dell Tech Select, Benelux & Ireland.

Louise Earls-Pierce, EMEA AI Program Lead.

Paul Wynne, Senior Consultant, Solutions Architecture.

John Page, Senior Consultant, Solutions Architecture.

[This text was auto-translated by DeepL]

Location & time

Date: 28.01 11:00 - 30.01 08:00

More info

Ticket: Free

6 Mar

12:00 -18:00

Female Founders Venture Summit

Better together!

Am Hauptbahnhof 6, Bonn, Deutschland

About the event

“Einfach machen” heißt es wieder. Beim vergangenen Summit haben wir bereits gemeinsam – und das heißt mit über 200 Gründer:innen, Expert:innen und Gründungsinteressierten – zeigen können, was die regionale weibliche Gründungsszene so drauf hat.

Auch im nächsten Jahr steht das EmpoWOMENt der Gründungsszene wieder an! Es wird wieder spannend – wir sagen nur: Panel, Keynote, Workshops und Pitch-Wettbewerb! Wir freuen uns besonders, dass die Ministerin Mona Neubaur das Event eröffnen wird!

Apropos: Wenn Du Gründerin bist und Deinem Startup mit einem Pitch nicht nur jede Menge Sichtbarkeit, sondern auch die Chance auf ein hohes Preisgeld (mehr Infos dazu folgen) sowie einen Platz in unserem Accelerator ermöglichen möchtest, solltest Du Dich hier noch schnell für den Pitch-Wettbewerb bewerben! 🙏

Also: Meldet Euch jetzt an und nutzt die Gelegenheit – teilt Euer Wissen, vernetzt Euch, stärkt und inspiriert Euch gegenseitig. Özlem Doger-Herter fasst den ermutigenden Gedanken zusammen: “Traut euch, fangt an, macht den ersten Schritt und der Rest kommt von allein!” 💪

Unsere Partner – NRW.GLOABL BUSINESS, die Stadt Bonn, Die Techniker, ASK-A-WOMAN.COM, die Universität Bonn, die NRW.BANK, die IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg und das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes NRW – und wir freuen uns riesig auf Euch!

Weitere Infos folgen!

Location & time

Date: 6.03 12:00 - 6.03 18:00

Address: Am Hauptbahnhof 6, Bonn, Deutschland

More info

Ticket: Free

specialist articles

Statutory vs. private insurance – What do I need to look out for?

Efficient financial management for female founders

Setting up a business: Support for women

Mompreneur: reconciling child and start-up