Startup – Ecosystem Metropolregion Stuttgart
Klein Data Research UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Klein Data Research is a leading fintech startup, developing AI-assisted algorithms and tools for investing into crypto assets in a systematic, unbiased, and scientifically grounded way. CryptoCaptain is our retail brand, under which our mission is to democratize hedge fund-level insights and to help regular people to build wealth. Our cutting-edge robo advisor, AltWave AI, empowers investors to build and steer high-returning crypto portfolios through the waves of the crypto market while protecting them and even helping them profit from severe down markets. AltWave AI is meticulously crafted and rigorously tested based on years of experience, ensuring its ability to deliver returns and protect capital in all market situations. With our custom AI technologies, AltWave AI analyzes the market sentiment and predicts market cycles to always position portfolios on the right side of the market. In bull markets, AltWave AI capitalizes on the crypto money cycle to invest and automatically rotate into the best performing altcoins to amplify returns. Klein Data Research is run by an experienced quant team. Dr. Achim Klein is an expert in AI and trading algos, a crypto believer, and has a successful project lead and research track record. Secondly, Lyubomir Kirilov is a business expert with a firm grasp of quantitative and econometric methods.